Tax advisor expats
Tax advisors for expats and tax lawyers at can help you to start your business in the Netherlands and Europe. A tax lawyer and tax advisor found at LegalSpot can help your company grow in Holland and the rest of Europe.
The tax advisors can advice you and your company about tax planning, domiciliation in the Netherlands and management issues when setting up new companies throughout Europe. Ask questions online without any obligation.
Dutch tax lawyers can help you and your company. Whether you need advise about Dutch tax rates for expats and Dutch tax ruling (30% expat ruling) when you become an expat in the Netherlands or if your company wants to conquer the Ducth or European market.
Expat in the Netherlands
As a future expat in the Netherlands, or as a company using expats, it is important to know about the Dutch tax rates for expats and the Dutch 30 % tax ruling. 30 % of the salary is tax free for expats in Holland. In this way, the employer may reimburse expenses an employee has to make to be able to settle in the Netherlands. These are called extraterritorial costs, for example: housing, cost of living and cost of medical examinations.
A tax advisor found here is the best way of tax planning and tax optimalisation for you, your company and for expats.
Affordable Dutch tax advisors for expats in the Netherlands
LegalSpot tax advisors and tax lawyers are the best in Holland. Also if you become an expat in Rotterdam, The Hague or in any other city in the Netherlands; our Dutch tax advisors from LegalSpot can help you.
Company or expat? Talk to the best Dutch tax advisors online and ask them questions at
Expat in Europe
LegalSpot’s tax lawyers and advisors will be able to help you as well. Ask questions online, free and without any obligation, at by clicking "stel een vraag!" at a tax advisors profile or contact us if you need extra help finding the best Dutch tax advisors.
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